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(under management of Bright Sparks Pre School and Out of School Club Limited)

‘Thorley Pre-School aims to provide a caring, inclusive and supportive environment to nurture happy, confident, motivated and independent learners.’

Vicerons Place, Villiers-Sur-Marne, Thorley Park, Bishop's Stortford, Herts. CM23 4EL


Tel: 01279 503895     Mob: 07831 762940

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'Children learn best in a play - orientated environment with a high ratio of well qualified staff to support them.'

Like all Early Years Settings, we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Curriculum in order to assess and progress children's learning and development.

The EYFS is split into two sections with 7 areas of development split between them - these are as follows:

Prime Areas:

Communication and Language

Physical Development

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Specific Areas:



Understanding of the World

Expressive Arts and Design

If you would like more understanding on these areas of development and what staff are looking for, you can check out the What to Expect When below.


Additional Information

When your child first starts their Pre-School journey here with us, we will be concentrating and supporting your child in their prime areas in order to ensure they are happy, confident and feeling secure within the setting. We will then progress this further and begin to assess their specific areas of development to provide opportunities for a holistic approach in your child's learning and development.

Wellcomm Speech and Language Assessment:

Within the first term of your child starting with us, they will be assessed on the Wellcomm Speech and Language Toolkit - If you have any questions or concerns regarding your child's speech or the Wellcomm toolkit, please feel free to ask any staff member for more information.

Once all children have been assessed, interventions will be put in place in order to support your child in their communication and language further.

Home Learning:

We work extremely closely with our parents and carers to help support their children with their learning and development.

While your child is here, all of your child's journey will be posted on Famly (online) for you to access whenever and where ever you would like.

On Famly, we have access to hundreds of different ideas and activities which can be done at home with yourselves and your child in order to continue their learning and development in their own environment.

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